Shohreh Feshtali

Shohreh Feshtali (1970) fled Iran in 1993, where she could no longer live in safety under the Islamic regime of Ali Khamenei. In the Netherlands she built a new life. She became a mother of two daughters, survived a life threatening decease twice, and was in recent years more and more personally moved by political and social wrongs. In 2020 she wrote an open letter to prime-minister Rutte, wherein she expressed her concerns about the freedom-restricting corona measures, wherein she started to see parallels with what she had been through in Iran: Where I came from civilians hate their leaders, because they have seen their country decline. Citizens are no longer able to trust each other. They are afraid and unsure, tired and despondent, just as the citizens of your country, of our country. All elements that make live beautiful and spontaneous have been taken away.

After the launch of her autobiographical bestseller called Gesluierde Jaren in maart 2021 saw her medial activities a big rise. Interviews were published in Vrouw (Telegraaf), Margriet and Nouveau, and she performed as speaker during events organized by “alternative sound-organizations”, among which Women for Freedom. Besides that she has been a guest at national radio- and television-programs, and podcasts. During the end of 2021 Shohreh Feshtali launched her own podcast, The Zi Talk, wherein she interviews high-profile guests that rebel and speak out against untrue and misleading information. Since March of 2022 she has also been acting as interviewer for the online platform Café Weltschmerz.