Reiner Fuellmich
Since December 2021, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been elected Chairman of the Board in the dual leadership of the measure-critical and grassroots democratic party dieBasis. Dr. Fuellmich is also a founding member of the interest group A-DuR (Aktion Demokratie und Recht) which introduces among other things, a sanction-protected right of proof regarding discovery into civil procedural law for the purpose of creating equality in David versus Goliath legal disputes due to the involvement of large corporations or state bodies resulting in genuine class action lawsuits in its purest sense.
Dr. Fuellmich was born and raised in Bremen, Germany and attended school in Bremen and Farmington Hills, Michigan. He studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and in Los Angeles. Among other things, he worked as a research assistant at the law faculty of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, where he received his doctorate. Prior to founding his law firm in 1993, Dr. Fuellmich worked in corporate banking for Deutsche Bank in Germany and Japan.
Dr. Fuellmich has published various articles and books in the fields of banking law, medical law and private international law and has lectured at universities in Germany and Estonia in his capacity as professor.